Search Engine Optimization PEI Dive Club: June 2008


Up-coming Dives

Post your next dive here for some fellow dive buddies. If there is any photos to be posted, send them to and we'll get them on the site.

Dive In Borden Was Great

Great turn out Saturday evening. 12 divers hit the water on the hunt for a lost ship wreck and airplane that local fisherman have been bring up debris for the past 10 yrs.
There was no luck finding the wrecks but a fortune in sand dollars were collected at the bottom of the shot line.
Great to see so many out for the dive and look forward hitting the waters on another adventure in the future.


Up-Coming Dives

Post here to plan your next dive.

Week-end Divers

There is a rumor of some diving in Point Prim this weekend. Let us know how it went.