Search Engine Optimization PEI Dive Club: May 2009


Up-coming Dives

Post here for up-coming dives between May 18-24.


Tracadie Dive

Saturday was a great day for diving. Six divers hit the water in Tracadie at 1530. Tide was slack and visiablity was 10'. Water temp was 50-52 'F.
Great to see a good turn out.
Post here with comments.


It's Time To Start A New Season

Hey everyone,

The 2009 diving season is here, and already some divers have been hitting Tracaidie and the West River for a few dives. With the weather starting to clear, there is no reason why everyone shouldn't be hitting the water, so post here with up-coming events and also how they went.
Also remember this site belongs to everyone, so if there is any comments or new ideas on how to get everyone using it please leave a comment or a suggestion.

P.S. remember" The deeper you go...the cooler it gets!!! "

S.A.F.E Diving