Looks like the water is warmer the further south ya go.We snorkeled at a number of reefsin Santa Lucia,Camaguey province,Cuba and had a great time.The dive shop, Shark's Friends,has a real good crew.32 dive sites including the shark feeding with
Eric.Reasonable rates. Beautiful place .Google "Shark's friends". Any other vacation dive spot ideas?Stories?
Thursday, 28 December, 2006
Eric.Reasonable rates. Beautiful place .Google "Shark's friends". Any other vacation dive spot ideas?Stories?
Thursday, 28 December, 2006
From Kip/Brenda
Looking forward to seeing some of your shots from St Maarten and St Thomas Paul.
We spent 7 days in Guardalavaca,Holguin Cuba, waiting for the wind to calm down enough to dive to NO AVAIL.But drove to Santa Lucia,Camaguey and got in 3 dives,2 on wrecks(1 from 1895) and one drift dive past a wonder wall of corals and sponges.90 feet deep or so and vis about 60 + feet despite the wind there too.
Then drove to Caribbean side to Marea del Portilla,Granma where the calm,clear waters let us burn up a few more dive Cuba passes.
We bought 10 each and ended up using 13 altogether.That's us after 2 great dives and Brenda on the beach in front of the Albacora dive shop.
The water and reef diving here was exceptional,vis on and on way past 60 feet.Thousands of fish and colors,coral types and sponges.
Saw a giraffe colored grouper poke his nose into little caves until he sucked in a spiny lobster.Turned around with antennae sticking out from his thick lips and swam away,carefully chewing!
Dove over 100 ft to spanish battleship wreck Christobal Colon west of Santiago de Cuba in an amazing shore dive.Lots to see on the bottom.Cartridges,cannon shells,plates,brass beds and railings and the ship covered with colorful wild things.We were eyed up by wreck 'guard' barracuda for a bit,was over 1 M long w/ a big head.Didn't show teeth.Round rocks on the shore would dump ya and gear pretty quick though.Brenda and divemaster Miller scrambled out okay though.
Great people,wonderful trip and lots of memories.
No underwater shots other than the shallow snorkel ones though.Too deep for the one time cameras.
do you have a recent e-mail adress for the Shark's Friends diving center? Can't get through to them...
Please mail me at: g.n@pandora.be
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