What a day for a dive. Today 3 members of our dive club ventured in to the waters of the Northumberland Strait to find the 40' wall that was mention by another member and also read about in the PEI divers guide. We located the Little Sands Wharf Road where the wall was believed to be. We had a little bit of a trek down to the shore, but once on the rocks it was easy to get into the water. We located ruins of the old wharf from back in the 60-70's I guess. But did not find a 40' wall. We swam for about a half a km to a depth of 35' but had no luck. It was a great dive in and around the old wharf and even outside with some marine life. This spot is a good little dive for the beginner to try out there new gills and is a perfect spot for the snorkeler as well. The only hazards we came across was a moderate current running that should be watched for on any further dives here. we also did a dive just outside Beach Point on a small reef. This was a beautiful dive with lots of color and some marine life. We only had 15' and would probably recommend a boat to access the outer part of the reef for more depth. Miles took pics underwater and we should have them posted in the next day or so. Great work today guys and lets keep diving.

An adventure!
I don't see many bugs in the pics,and the suited rappelling
shot is a keeper, and should go in the mountaineering quarterly.
I have heard that a steep wall is there,...somewhere in that place that almost became the ferry terminal because of the deep water off there.
I'll keep an eye out for the untersee pics.
Looks like all hands were drysuited.
The water temp at Wood Islands is around 11 to 12 C these days
in the basin.
Thanks for the post.
look close two dry and one wet suit the guys said after our dive that the temp was 50 it was not that bad it was good to get in the water the temp was not going to keep me out it was a grate day and dive the wall had a rope and was dry but over all nice to be there well got to go to work
the wet one of the three
Good job guys for getting out and enjoying the day!! I'd say it's deffinatly wet suit weather now.
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